Training on a stationary bike
Train your strength
You have to start your training with strength training, because without it you won’t be able to continue. It’s essential to develop the strength of your leg muscles.
Step 1
- Do a 10–15 minute warm up (you can just cycle slowly).
- Set resistance to the maximum.
- Pedal 20–30 times, pushing the pedal the hardest when it comes down. Do the exercise as slow as you can.
- Take a break for 5 minutes and repeat the exercise. Do 4–8 repeats.
Step 2
- Do 50–60 rpm with resistance set to maximum.
- Do the exercise for 5–20 minutes, and then take a 5–10 minute break. Repeat the exercise once.
Step 3
- Do 65–75 rpm and keep your pulse at a proper rate.
- Cycle for 20–60 minutes.
- This exercise is harder than it may look but it gives good effects.
Train for speed
It’s better to train for speed during days between other trainings. Speed training is easier because you set a light resistance.
Step 1
- Start with 90 rpm and increase the rhythm 5 rpm every 30 seconds until you reach your rpm limit.
- Your maximum rpm is the moment when you start to lose stamina.
- When you reach your maximum rpm, keep cycling for about 30 seconds, then take a few minutes break and repeat the exercise 4–6 times.
Step 2
- Train at a 5-rpm rhythm lower than your maximum rpm.
- Train 10–60 minutes.
- In the beginning you won’t be able to train for long. Increase the time with every training.
Step 3
- Cycle fast until you reach your maximum rpm.
- When you reach your maximum rpm, start cycling at 20 rpm less than your maximum rpm and train for 3 minutes.
Train for endurance (Power Training):
This training combines strength training with speed training. You should train your legs with the strength training exercise, and then start this training.
Step 1
- Set resistance to maximum and cycle as fast as you can for 10 seconds.
- Take a 10-minute break and repeat the exercise 4–8 times.
Step 2
- Set the resistance to high and pedal 100 rpm.
- Cycle as fast as you can for 1–4 minutes.
- Take a 1–4 minute break and repeat the exercise 3–6 times.
Step 3
- Set the resistance to high and cycle fast.
- Cycle for 30–60 seconds.
- Take a 1-minute break and repeat the exercise 8–20 times.